Red Deer Public Schools

Red Deer Public Schools 

Red Deer Public Schools 
Red Deer Public Schools 

Red Deer Public Schools 

You’ve probably heard of Canadian Prairies - a territory covered with juicy grass, forests and picturesque greenery. One of the integral parts of the Canadian Prairies is the province of Alberta. It’s land-locked and borders British Columbia and Saskatchewan. Red Deer Public Schools is located right here, in the city called Red Deer for the elks inhabiting the territories. 


The administration of Red Deer Public School offers many programs to ensure the development and prosperity of every student, as the knowledge and skills that students acquire on the school level constitutes the foundation for their future success. Let’s look closer at some of the educational programs offered by Red Deer Public Schools. 

French Immersion programs both early and late are becoming extremely popular among students whose native language isn’t French. During the French Immersion course students are taught all the subjects solely in the French language to be fully surrounded by the language. The program begins in the kindergarten and goes on during the whole study period in school. The Late program is devised for students, who decided to dive deeper into the French Language in the grade six. This one also lasts till the end of the high school, but can be attended only in the Central Middle School. The program allows students whose native language is any but French to achieve comprehension in the French language and become a bi-lingual speaker which is important for every person who wants to connect their life with Canada. Mathematics, Science, Social Studies are studied in French only on the Late French Immersion program, while all the other subjects are taught in the English language. Regardless of what the main language of instruction a student chooses, the curriculum stays the same. 

Red Deer Public Schools is not only about French immersion, but also Spanish. One of the Red Deer Public Schools which is Vista Grande offers a bilingual Spanish program also beginning from the kindergarten and lasting till the very eighth grade. There is also a bi-lingual program on the preschool level, where children communicate with each other and with teachers in both languages: Spanish and English. The globalization and rapidly developing world demand from the students to be literate in more than one language and Red Deer Public Schools perfectly understand this fact. 

One of the Red Deer Public Schools provides education through the prism of Christian culture. The school is called Gateway Christian School and is based on the Christian values and beliefs, providing students with understanding on the subjects of god, life, death and basic questions on the meaning of the creation together with an ordinary academic curriculum of the state of Alberta. 

Red Deer Public School has a program of learning from home. In its core, it’s online classes with a teacher. On the one hand, it’s a great opportunity to enhance various skills like becoming more responsible, organized, self-independent and many more. A student with mental disorders, such as anxiety or depression can participate in education without the need to come to school, which can have an aggravating effect on their conditions. On the other hand, there is a lot of responsibility laying on the shoulders of the students themselves and their parents. The parents should always keep their eye on their children, checking their progress and staying in touch with their teachers. Anyways, whatever your choice is Red Deer Public Schools is ready to offer you both: the conventional offline program and home education program. Another type of alternative courses offered by Red Deer Public School is special online classes for the students who fall behind on some subjects and want to get a better understanding of it simultaneously with their everyday program. There is also a summer program for high schoolers, who also want to practice more on the classes learned. 

Alternative school of Red Deer Public Schools also provides students who work and volunteer in Red Deer with extra credits. If a student participates in a volunteering program or works for twenty five hours, they will be awarded with fifteen credits. 

Red Deer Public Schools 
Red Deer Public Schools 

Red Deer Public Schools have a Sports Academy. Students who participate in the programs of Sport Academy will study at school as well as all the other students, but together with it, every day some sports activity will be added to their studies. Students may choose among baseball, hockey, soccer, sportfit and fastball. Sports Academy allows one to achieve great results not only in the academic field but also in the sphere of sports, without the damage to the first. For example, sportfit is a program which includes doing archery, yoga, rugby, tennis, skating and many more activities. 

A lot of young people are complaining after graduating from schools that they were not taught basic skills that’s needed for daily life, but only logarithms and chemistry formulas. Another school of Red Deer Public Schools is Aspen Heights Elementary school and they offer a program, which is called micro society. The name is quite self-explanatory: students are taught to participate in the society, paying taxes, looking for jobs and even starting up their own enterprises. The program prepares the students from the young age to become clever citizens, who don’t get lost while facing law-connected problems, managing  their bills and other red-tape, which can be quite frustrating at times. 

After graduating students can enroll in the University of Alberta. It comprises a number of colleges and faculties such as: College of Health Sciences, College of Applied Sciences, College of Social Sciences and others. The last one includes the faculty of Education, where a student may study educational psychology, elementary and secondary school education and educational policies. On the graduate level, one of the options is obtaining a Master’s of Coaching. Completing the program in the Universe of Alberta allows a student to become a high-class coach in the chosen sports, gain hands-on experience and even make researches in the field of coaching. An international student needs to complete five academic subjects from the high school, show high level of English competency and have high academic achievements to be enrolled to the University of Alberta. 

Another option for the students after graduating from one of the Red Deer Public Schools is going to Red Deer Polytechnic. It offers certificates as well as diplomas and degrees. In Red Deer Polytechnic a student may acquire a Bachelor’s of Arts in Psychology and Bachelor's of Science in Psychology degree. Social Work Diploma, which is awarded after two years of studying, prepares a student to become a social worker or for furthering their studies in the related spheres. Some programs are transfer, which means that a student may choose to study for two years in a college and then transfer to the university for the last two years of a degree program. So after obtaining a high school diploma in one of the Red Deer Public Schools, a student may continue their studies on the Transfer Program in Red Deer Polytechnic and then transfer to the University of Alberta. International students need to meet a number of requirements concerning academic achievements and English language competency, to be eligible for the program in Red Deer Polytechnic, which depends on the program chosen. 

Red Deer Public Schools 
Red Deer Public Schools 

International Students

Red Deer Public Schools welcomes international students to participate in all its educational programs as well as the ones listed above. After being enrolled to one of the Red Deer Public Schools, an international student is given a special test to check their competency in the English language. If it’s below a certain point, a student is provided with help and is to attend English classes to be able to participate in the educational process so that language wouldn’t be an obstacle. 

Talking about accommodation for the students from abroad, Red Deer Public Schools offer homestay programs. It’s well-known that coming to a new country, making friends with the representatives of a different mentality can be very frustrating and even psychologically damaging. There is ample of friendly host families in Red Deer, with their help an international student is introduced to Canadian society easily, as they’ve been prepared to help foreigners in dealing with the most common problems they can face. 



To study in one of the Red Deer Public Schools international students pay around $11000 for two semesters. The cost of the homestay program is $930 for a month, which means that living in a homestay family for two semesters (ten months) will cost around $9300. 

Students pay extra for additional programs of their choice. Participating in the sportfit program will cost a thousand dollars for the middle schoolers and twice more for the high school students. Baseball program costs approximately $3000 for an academic year in high school and a thousand dollars for the middle school students. 

In the Alternative school of Red Deer Public Schools, students pay sixty dollars for a three credit program, but if they’re older than twenty years old, they are to pay $700 for a five credit program. 


In case, if you need help with Custodianship and Homestay in order to study in Red Deer Public Schools , please fill in application below or contact us directly.


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