Seneca College

Seneca College

Seneca College
Seneca College

Seneca College

Do you want to live in Toronto? One of the most popular cities in Canada and the largest one in terms of its population. It’s a business and arts hub of Canada, full of people from all around the world. To join the multicultural community of Toronto, you may choose to study in Seneca College.


One of the most popular programs in Seneca College is aviation. There you may achieve the Honors Bachelor’s degree in Aviation Technology within four academic years of studying. After graduation students are ready to become pilots, flying instructors and even air traffic controllers. All the students are thoroughly prepared for these occupations as they learn how to operate aircrafts, manage business, get to know how airports work and air traffic schedules planned. During the studies, every student is obliged to undergo practice in the real work for at least 420 hours in the May of year three. The theoretical studies are perfectly combined with the hands-on experience, as it’s impossible to become a professional pilot without practice.

Seneca College offers a program of the Flight Services after completion of which a student is awarded with a certificate. After eight months a student graduates to become a flight attendant, check-in agent or airline reservationist for both local and international airlines. During the studies students are taught how to manage difficult passengers without losing composure, necessary skills pertinent to safety aboard and respectful service. Seneca College is equipped with special facilities which imitate the real cabins of aircrafts, evacuation slides and doors for students to be able to practice in a realistic environment.

Seneca College
Seneca College

In Seneca College one can also obtain a diploma in flight services. This program lasts a year more, and after graduation you may become an in-charge flight attendant as well as the occupations listed above. The program also includes 150 hours of work during the end of the second year of studies as a part of the field placement program. Through maximum practice, the program is aimed at instructing highly-professional flight-attendants and airport ground agents, with first class technical and soft skills.

If you want to be the one who ensures the safety and security of the passengers and airport workers, you may go for studying Aviation Safety. After this three years program, a student of Seneca College is given an Advanced Diploma and is ready to become a safety officer, a flight dispatcher, accident investigator or safety coordinator. The instructors of Seneca College will teach you how to analyze and assess risks, manage databases, audit functions, review accidents and many other skills essential for the occupation. In the period between two semesters, some students can gain work experience, in case they meet all the academic requirements. This will help students to implement their knowledge in practice and serve as an incentive to finish their studies with excellent results and work on the desired position.

If you’ve always been interested in fashion trends, designers and design, Seneca College can suggest you several programs related to the sphere. One of them is called Fashion Business and lasts for two years. Obtaining the diploma, you may launch your own fashion enterprise, such as a shop or a showroom, manage someone else’s business, or become a brand representative or a client adviser. During the studies you will learn how to predict fashion trends, the intricacies of how the process of buying, retailing and wholesaling actually work and develop such soft skills as working in a team, networking, empathy and feeling-into, which is needed for working with diverse clientele.

Seneca College
Seneca College

Seneca College offers to obtain the Honors Bachelor of Child Development devised for the ones who love working with children. During the four year program, students learn about education and health of children, social services, early development and how to help families with children with disabilities. After graduation a student can work as a child care manager, family and young parents support worker, policy developer and child counselor. It’s important to be compassionate and sincerely love people to work in these spheres, as they involve a lot of communication with people, who deal with difficult circumstances. The work takes up lots of extra time and requires dedication to actually leave a positive impact on people’s lives, changing it for good. The program also includes  a compulsory real work experience of a minimum of 420 hours.

Today more and more people are starting to take care of their mental health. Living in a world which is led by competition and perpetual pursuit of success is a huge toil for people’s psychological state. Seneca College allows you to obtain the Honors Bachelor degree in Community Mental Health which lasts for four years. After graduation, a student will be able to help people to go through the crisis in their lives, deal with addictions, cope with stress and anxiety and organize various events and groups for maintaining mental health. During the program you will also learn how social justice, health conditions, biology and humans’ psychology are correlated and influence each other. Obtaining the degree in Seneca College, you will be able to work as an addiction counsellor, overdose response worker, addiction community worker, a harm reduction worker and occupy a number of many other positions.

Seneca College also offers the program of Behavioral Sciences, after four semesters of studying which, you will get a diploma. During this program you will learn how to modify behavior, based on its deep analysis techniques, and how to use this behavior modification tools for treating autistic disorders. You will also learn different techniques and skills which can be implemented in such fields as gerontology, mental health, special education, connected to kids and adults with behavioral disorders. After the completion of the program you can go for the Honours Bachelor of Behavioral Psychology in Seneca College or in St.Lawrence College in Kingston, lasting for four years. To apply for the Honours Bachelor in St.Lawrence, you need to have a college diploma with the minimum GPA of 2.50.

Seneca College
Seneca College


Students can choose whether they want to live on campus or outside of campus. The first option means that you will be living in a hall of residence, without the need to waste money on bus passes or worrying about utility bills. The Seneca College offers students to live in a private bedroom with a double size bed, wifi, TV and a desk inside each of them. The washing facilities and a kitchen with a microwave and fridge are shared by two students. The residence is also equipped with the lounge room, a study room, laundry facilities and kitchen with stoves and ovens where students can make themselves a meal any time. Living in the on-campus residence costs around $700 for a month and off-campus varies from $1200 to $1400 depending on the type and size of flat you wish to rent, as well as its location with Toronto.



International students

International applicants who want to become students of Seneca college need to get the study permit before coming to Canada and then extend it, if needed.

International students are to pay the tuition fees higher than the local students, if they’re not a permanent resident, considered as a protected person, or a spouse of the citizen of Canada and if they don’t meet a number of other conditions. If they don’t fall under the categories, they are to pay the tuition fee of about $9400 for the Honors Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation, including the fees for a number of services, health insurance, athletics and recreation activities. Honours Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Finance will cost an international student a little bit more than $10000 in total. Three years diploma program of Computer Engineering will be around $8000 and the same for the diploma in Business Administration. A certificate in Flight Services of Seneca College also costs approximately $8000, and additional book cost will be around $1600 for the first and a half less for the second semester.

International students can live with a host family, rent an apartment outside of the campus and on campus in the hall of residence. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s for you to decide which one suits you more: if you want to live alone or with a roommate, surrounded by a calm and peaceful homely atmosphere or by the company of your peers, near the college campus or commute to it. Homestay is one of the most popular options for the international students when they come to Canada for the first time. During the first period of adaptation and getting to know the city and people there, it’s very convenient to live with a host family which will provide you with a private room, clean linen and three meals a day. Then, when a student of Seneca College will get used to the new place, college life and find new friends, they will be ready to decide if they want to rent a flat with their friends, live on campus or stay with the host family for the whole study period.



In case, if you need help with Custodianship and Homestay in Canada, please fill in application below or contact us directly.


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