UNB Canada

University of New Brunswick

UNB Canada
UNB Canada

University of New Brunswick(UNB Canada)

This public university is the oldest anglophone university in Canada, having been established in 1785. The UNB Canada has two main campuses in the cities of Fredericton and Saint John in the province of New Brunswick. The University has fourteen faculties, which offer more than seventy-five undergraduate degree programs, and more than thirty fields are open for graduate level studies. Today, more than 10,000 students are enrolled at the University of New Brunswick, and it was recognized as the most entrepreneurial university in the country in 2014. It also became the first university to offer an e-business program. International students from over a hundred countries came to the University of New Brunswick to obtain a post-secondary education. Students at the university actively participate in 125 clubs and societies and various athletic activities on both of the campuses, enriching their social and cultural lives as well as their academic knowledge.  

Programs in UNB Canada

There are many programs available to international students at the UNB Canada. For instance, an international student may obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree within four years and study the following programs: Classical Studies, Anthropology, Creative Writing, Economic Studies, International Development Studies, Neuroscience, Psychology, Political Science, Media Arts and Culture, Statistics, Comparative Cultural Studies and others. For example, the program in Creative Writing can be taken at the Fredericton campus of the UNB Canada. It’s available as a major, a minor, or as an honours option. Students learn a broad range of different disciplines through the degree program in Arts offered at the University of New Brunswick. For example, during the first two years, students can choose various courses from the fields of humanities, business, and even science. If they choose the program of creative writing, the University of New Brunswick students will not only acquire the skills of writing for different audiences but also learn how to think and argue logically and think creatively. By the way, the University of New Brunswick boasts of being the home to the oldest official student magazine, which is called the Brunswickan. Later on, the university founded the Fiddlehead and Studies in Canadian Literature journals. As a result, students at the University of New Brunswick can hone their skills as writers and editors for these university publications.

Another program at the UNB Canada that is available as a major, a double major or honor on the path towards a Bachelor of Arts degree is Gender and Women’s Studies. The program is aimed at researching gender issues, how they influence different aspects of life and women’s role in society. There is a special Women’s Centre at the UNB Canada, which is used as an open space for conducting meetings, cultural or educational events, or just for doing home assignments. After obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of New Brunswick, students can take the next step in their education and go for a Master of Arts degree and a Doctor of Philosophy, studying Women and Gender Studies at the University of Toronto. This program provides more profound research on feminism, sexuality, and queer history and its impact on society. 

The UNB Canada also offers to obtain the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering with the following programs available: Civil Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, and Geological Engineering. They are available on both of the campuses of the University of New Brunswick. If you wish to learn how to build new devices, software and hardware systems, then you might find the program of Electrical and Computer Engineering interesting. The University of New Brunswick claims that they were the first one to introduce in 1894 the program of engineering in the country. That’s why the academic staff is highly experienced in effectively teaching students only the knowledge that can be implemented in practice. The students and academic staff of the Engineering Faculty at the UNB Canada conduct research in Renewable energy, Fibre optics, and Biomedical engineering. At the University of New Brunswick, students who choose the program of Electrical and Computer Engineering learn the following courses: Robotics, Electric Machines and Design in Sustainable Energy, Digital Logic Design, Biomedical Engineering, and a number of others. After completing this program at the University of New Brunswick, international graduates can work as Development Engineers, Power Engineers, Quality Control Engineers, Electronics Engineers etc. 

The UNB Canada offers students the opportunity to achieve a Bachelor of Science, studying Medicinal Chemistry, Applied Physics, Biology, Psychology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Marine Biology, Mathematics, Statistics, and others. At the graduate level, the University of New Brunswick also has a large number of programs available. Some of them are: Business Administration, Nursing, Political Science, Psychology, Mechanical Engineering, Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, Earth Sciences, Forestry and Environmental Management, Computer Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Economics, Chemical Engineering, Classics and Ancient History, and others. Besides the degree programs, the University of New Brunswick also provides programs of professional development. For instance, one may obtain a certificate in Customer Service, which lasts for thirty-two hours. Knowing Customer Service is useful when working for businesses or other organizations that provide and promote products or services. The program at the University of New Brunswick aims at teaching students the skills important for effective interaction with a customer and various techniques for turning clients into customers.  

UNB Canada
UNB Canada

Accommodation in UNB Canada

As was already mentioned, the two main campuses of the university are located in Fredericton and Saint John. Fredericton is the capital of the province that is located on the Saint John River bank. More than sixty thousand people live in the city, making it the third largest city in New Brunswick. A lot of festivals are held in the city of Fredericton, so international students living in the city won't have time to get bored and will surely find ways to complement their academic studies at the UNB Canada with social and cultural activities. International students can rent a flat in Fredericton while studying at the University of New Brunswick. The average rent price for a one-bedroom in Fredericton is around $850, while the average cost of living with rent, food, and transportation is around $1712. 

As for the city of Saint John, it’s located on the Bay of Fundy and at the mouth of the Saint John and Kennebecasis Rivers. A geopark, designated by UNESCO for its geological significance, as well as the famous Reversing Falls, make this a unique and picturesque location. The average rent price for a one-bedroom flat in the seaport city of Saint John is around $900.

Besides the option of renting a flat, international students can live in one of the thirteen University of New Brunswick residence buildings. Some of them are made in the traditional style, with single and double rooms. The University of New Brunswick has eleven of them with one female-only and one male-only sections. Living in a double traditional-style room will cost an international student of the University of New Brunswick around $5,800 for an academic year. A single room will cost two thousand dollars more. 

Another type of residence offered by the University of New Brunswick is suite-style with 169 places. Here, the University of New Brunswick students live in suites, each having a private bedroom, while a bathroom and a kitchen are shared. International students don’t have to buy a meal plan if they are living in a suite-style residence of the University of New Brunswick, while students who choose the traditional style residence are required to do it. A suite-style single room of the University of New Brunswick will cost an international student around $9,480 for an academic year, while a two-bedroom suite will cost just five hundred dollars less. 

The apartment-style residence of the University of New Brunswick is available to adult learners, graduate students, and undergraduate students beginning in their third year of studies. The University of New Brunswick offers students the opportunity to live in an unfurnished one-bedroom, two-bedroom, or three-bedroom apartment with an optional meal plan. A one-bedroom apartment will cost an international student of the University of New Brunswick around $950 per month. And a two-bedroom apartment will cost $1135 for the same period. 

The University of New Brunswick students who wish to buy a meal plan are to pay an additional $5,050 with no limit on the number of meals. 

UNB Canada
UNB Canada

Future Prospects 

After graduation from the University of New Brunswick, international students can come back to their home countries or may travel anywhere in the world to find employment or continue their education. Still, many international students choose to stay in Canada as it has one of the most immigrant-friendly policies. It has a special type of visa, a so-called post-graduation work permit, which allows international graduates to work in Canada for three years if they meet a number of requirements. After gaining some work experience and an understanding of how the Canadian corporate system works, foreign citizens can apply for permanent residency and, later on, for Canadian citizenship.  





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