Langara College

Langara College

Langara College
Langara College

Langara College 

Langara College is one of the colleges in Vancouver whose main aim is to provide students with excellent education which is reflected in their motto «Knowledge is freedom». Every year around twenty two thousand students obtain education in Langara College from the year 1994. The college boasts the diversity of its programs offered to local students as well as international ones.


Langara College offers to obtain a number of credentials such as diplomas, certificates, associate of science and associate of art degrees, baccalaureate degrees and postgraduate programs.

As for certificates, a student may achieve a certificate in Langara College within a year studying Internet and Web Technology program. During their studies students will learn networking, object-oriented computing, scripting, web development program design and database systems to become future QA engineers and IT support specialists.

Langara College students may achieve a certificate in Journalism. Pay attention to the fact that the certificate program lasts for a year and in case a student wants to obtain a diploma, the studies will last for two years. Langara College claims that many students within five years upon graduation work in the following companies: Global news, CBC, Field Hockey Canada and Castanet as news writers, reporters, producers, copywriters and managers.

One may decide to achieve the Associate of Science degree in Science and Technology or Humanities and Social Science and maybe even in Health. The program of Biology which falls under the category of Science and Technology lasts for two years, after which you’re awarded with the Associate of Science degree . If you were always interested in how different living organisms work and function, how the environment is a huge interconnected network of elements or what the food we consume is made from and how it influences the body, then studying biology in Langara College is surely the right option for you. After graduation a student can work in a number of fields depending on their interests, for example in research, public health, forensics and education. Studying biology without practice and experiments is unimaginable, that’s why Langara College provides students with studying in labs and fieldwork every week for several hours. There are five labs overall and even the one which is devised for conducting research and doing experiments in the field of Microbiology. After the second year of studies students can work in the labs on their own. The curriculum of the program includes genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology and microbiology among many other courses.

Langara College also offers to achieve a diploma in Gerontology in the department of Social Services. The two year program prepares specialists who take care of the senior citizens, enhancing their level of life and health condition. During the field placement students gain experience in working with older people, practicing their theoretical knowledge and learning the peculiarities of the profession which can be learned only through practice. To become a true professional in gerontology, a student needs to possess such character traits as empathy, love for people, compassion and strive to make the society better. During the program, students of gerontology in Langara College acquire knowledge of such disciplines as social policy, cognitive and developmental psychology, communication skills with older adults, mental health and age related conditions. After graduation from Langara College students can be ready to work as day program, intake, support workers, recreation and research assistance and in any sphere which helps to promote mental, physical and emotional health of older adults, and establish centres which would help communities to solve their problems.

Langara College
Langara College

Another diploma program is Peace and Conflict studies. The knowledge obtained during the program is gaining more and more importance in the modern world as painting peace among all the countries is the first aim of the global community today. In the all the crisscrossing of different countries relations, the specialists in the sphere is of extreme demand, to become so during the program students  learn such disciplines as conflict resolution, peace and conflict in the modern world, human ecology, religions of different parts of the world, environmental chemistry, women studies, sociology, psychology and even philosophy with a number of other fascinating elective disciplines. Langara College  often invites professors and politicians to give lectures to the students so that they gain a better understanding of how this global machinery of politics works. After graduation a student will be ready to work in the spheres of law, politics, education, international relations or continue their studies in Langara College, doing research in the fields they are most interested in.

In Langara College you may achieve the Associate of Arts degree in Asian Studies. The program lasts for two years and was first run in 1983. The Asia-Pacific region is of extreme importance for the whole world in terms of culture, economics and politics. In the globalized world young people are deeply influenced by the culture of these countries, understanding these facts Langara College offers many student transfer and exchange programs so that they gain first hand experience in the cultural peculiarities of Asian countries. For example, there is a program which lasts three weeks which allows Langara College students to travel to Japan where students learn about Japanese history and culture, traveling Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara and Hiroshima, earning three credits in Langara College. After graduation, many students of Langara College find employment in the countries whose history and culture they’ve been learning about. Some of them go for working in the departments of Foreign Affairs, international companies or continue their education to become educators themselves.

Another program which leads to an Associate of Arts Degree in Langara College is Women’s Studies. This program also lasts for two years during which students study various aspects pertinent to the position of a woman in history and in modern society. Among many other courses students investigate women’s realities, study women and sedulity courses, gender currents and health. As women's problems are still of great current interest among sociologists and other researchers, after achieving the Associate Degree a student may opt for continuation of their research and studies in the field as the Associate of Arts Degree  in Langara College is a solid foundation for the next step in the undergraduate studies. Another option can be working in the fields of journalism, teaching law, in business and governmental organizations.

Langara College offers to achieve a Baccalaureate degree in Bioinformatics within four years. During the program students are instructed on how to work with biological data, how to decipher and analyze it for various purposes such as cracking biological and medical conundrums connected with cancer, genomes causing mortal decreases and hereditary illnesses. To achieve Bachelor’s in Bioinformatics in Langara College, students study biology, chemistry, biochemistry, genetics, algorithms and data structures and even object oriented computing and a large number of other courses which aim to prepare a true specialist in Bioinformatics.

Langara College
Langara College


International students of Langara College are offered two variants of accommodation in Vancouver: homestay and renting an apartment. Unfortunately, Langara College doesn’t have a dormitory and any on-campus residence options, but the homestay program and renting a flat can become unforgettable experience for international students as each option has their own advantages. As for participating in the homestay program, at first, it may look like a tedious living with a family lacking all the fun and leisure that students’ lives are full of. But it’s not quite true. Living with a host family means you will always be provided with food, your private room, laundry facilities and most importantly, you will never suffer from loneliness which is a common problem for all students who come from abroad. Host family will be always ready to advise you on different problems you may encounter during the studies or connected with the process of accommodation to the new country. At least, consider the option of homestay for the beginning of your Langara College studies and then, when you will manage to meet friends and find the ones who you will feel comfortable around, you can opt for renting an apartment with them. The estimated average cost of renting a flat in Vancouver ranges from $800 to $2000 per month, which depends on the location and type of the accommodation you chose. Keep in mind that Vancouver is a very large city, the most densely populated in the province, consequently the prices for rent, food and transport will be higher compared to the cities smaller in size.

Future prospects 

After obtaining a diploma, a certificate or a degree in Langara College, an international student may decide to stay in Canada for work. In this case, they need to apply for the work permit, which is given to the international students in Canada. To apply for the program, you need to meet all the important criteria, and after achieving the work permit you will be able to work in Canada for up to three years. Despite the option of work in Canada, you may extend your study permit, if needed, and continue your studies in a number of higher education establishments.


In case, if you need help with Custodianship and Homestay in Canada, please fill in application below or contact us directly.


Main Application

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