Luther College High School

Luther College High School

Luther College High School 
Luther College High School 

Luther College High School 

Saskatchewan is one of the Canadian provinces which is entirely cut off from the ocean. The city of Regina is the second largest city in the province of Saskatchewan and it’s also its capital. The city is mostly located on plains, so many plants and trees were planted within the city, and beautiful elms around it. Regina is also a city where Luther College High School is located. The high school is among the top fifteen percent of the most prestigious schools in Canada.


Luther College High School is an independent high school which was established in 1913, but it shouldn’t be confused with a private school as it’s funded by the government, though partially. The school is attended by more than four hundred students, including the students from foreign countries including Nigeria, India, Pakistan and others. For many international students who choose Luther College High School as a place to obtain their high school diploma, there is a program of English as a second language for the levels from intermediate to advanced. In Luther College High School, they implement only the advanced methods of teaching English. During the studies a student learns academic English, together with the spoken version of it. International students are always encouraged to take up additional classes in the subjects they’re interested in, participate in clubs and sports to acquire the skills faster, by fully immersing into the English-speaking world.

International students who study in the Luther College High School are free to participate in a so-called International Cafe, where both local and international students gather together, exchange their international experience, learn about the cultures of each other, which enriches their knowledge of different countries. Students organize dinners, tea parties, games and festivals to develop their communicative skills, become outspoken and widen their network. So whenever they go in the future, they will surely have friends all around the world.

Luther College High School offers a large variety of clubs a student can take a part in as one of their extra-curricular activities. For example, there is a club dedicated to Amnesty International, where students try to follow the principles of the international organization, study their cases and promote their values of human rights and freedom in the Luther College High School.

If you’re a student of Luther College High School, you may attend a Debate Club. Debating, as an activity, helps to develop your cognitive, creative and critical thinking abilities. Moreover, during the debates, students often unfold their hidden character traits such as leadership and stress management, which is immensely important for their future. The club members meet once or twice a week, practice their debating skills on various topics and organize debate tournaments with other schools.

Psychological health is of the paramount importance for the modern youth, as much pressure is put upon them today. Dealing with difficult relationships with their peers, family members, stressing about their future or being in conundrum of what to do with their life - all these problems can be raised and discussed with the peer support group. Each member does their best to help and comfort their fellow-students, by carefully listening, sometimes giving advice and most importantly getting each other to know they’re not alone in this.

There is a Service Club, whose main aim is to help people in need, volunteering and actively participating in the society. Sometimes students of Luther College High School who participate in the club visit shelters and serve meals for the homeless, work with children, help to build houses and just look for every opportunity to be useful for the people, who are dealing with difficult circumstances and hardships at the moment.

Luther College High School 
Luther College High School 

Another club was found for the lovers of outdoor activities. For the breathtaking nature of Saskatchewan, students go into the wilderness, learn about nature, go canoeing, do camping in the Moose Mountains Park, where their minds can be unfettered from the hustle of a city life.

Among the others there are chess, photography, acting, improvisation clubs and the one dedicated to the problems of students’ gender identity and sexuality.

Studying in the Luther College High School, you can live in a dormitory. Students can use a shared room to play piano, chat or study with friends or do homework. In their rooms students are allowed to have a little fridge, but cooking is considered to be hazardous for the safety of students so it is prohibited. Students can live alone if there are vacant places in the dormitory, in other cases they will have a neighbor.

After graduating from the Luther College High School, a student can apply for the Briercrest College, which offers to earn Bachelor’s degree, certificates and attend pre-professional courses. After graduating from Luther College High School, a student can go for a Bachelor’s of Business Administration which is devised in a partnership with Saskatchewan Polytechnic, which means that a student will be awarded with the diplomas of both of the educational establishments. As the Briercrest college is based on the Christian religion, the studies of business administration are supplemented by such courses as theology and biblical studies. It’s a perfect choice for the religious students, who want to put the Christian spirituality in the process of their education and learn business ethics through the prism of Christian dogmas.

In the Briercrest College you may also get a degree in English, where alongside with linguistic and philological courses, you will explore the Bible and theological studies.

The tuition fee in the Briercrest college is around $9300 for eight courses with the additional payment for the textbooks, which is around $800 for an academic year.

Upon obtaining a diploma from the Luther College High School, you may also try to apply for the University of Saskatchewan, where you may study urban design, accounting, agriculture, chemistry, entrepreneurship, nursing, pharmacy, politics and law, sociology, veterinary medicine etc. Depending on your goals, the university is ready to offer you diploma, certificate or Bachelor’s degree programs.

For example, there is a special program designed for the Native students, who wish to work in schools and become not only educators, school counselors, but also writers, educational administrators and entrepreneurs. As the University of Saskatchewan has several campuses, you need to choose on what level you want to teach students upon graduation: elementary and kindergarten students or the high schoolers. After the choice is made you study either in Saskatoon or Prince Albert. As the main priority is given to the student of the aboriginal origins, other students are also free to apply for the program and study the history of the Native population of Canada, together with other core courses. The program lasts for four years and costs a little more than $7000 for the Canadian students and around $21300 for the citizens of other countries.

If you were always fascinated about communicating with people, detecting their good and bad traits and were good at getting on the right side of everyone, most probably the right choice for you is studying Human Resources. Right after graduating from the Luther College High School, you may go for the Bachelor’s degree in HR in the University of Saskatchewan. There you’ll acquire the tools and strategies necessary for managing people in the workplace, looking for the ways to fulfill their potential according to their position and skills, choose the right employees and organize team-building events. After graduation, you may become a mediator, recruiter or HR specialist. The program costs around $8000 for the citizens of Canada and $24000 for the international students.

Luther College High School 
Luther College High School 


To study in the Luther College High School students are to pay irregardless whether they’re locals, from other provinces or came from abroad. Students from Saskatchewan pay around $9500 for their tuition, while other students pay a little more than $30000 for an academic year. The cost for the semester in Luther College High School is $5730 for the local students and $18390 for international students. The local students can be given a discount of $150 if they pay early, but the international ones are not eligible for this particular discount.

There is also a discount for the students whose other family members were also accepted to the Luther College High School, if two members of the family study together they are given the cut price of 20% and 30% in case three or more family members study in Luther College High School.

As for the dormitory, local students pay approximately $14500 for a year, the same as students from abroad. If they want to stay during the Christmas or Easter holiday period, each day will cost them $50, which means that for sixteen days in the dormitory during holidays, a student is to pay $800.

Programs such as IB, or English as a Second Language are paid additionally to the tuition fee. So a course in studying English would cost an international student around $16000 for a special advanced level, while higher levels cost twice less - around $6000 for a semester. The IB program cost $355 for the Grade twelve certificate and a hundred dollars more for the grade twelve IB diploma. Other extracurricular activities, clubs, trips and programs are also extra-paid.


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