North Surrey Secondary School

North Surrey Secondary School

North Surrey Secondary School
North Surrey Secondary School

North Surrey Secondary School

North Surrey Secondary is a public high school in Surrey, British Columbia, and is part of the Surrey School District. Although the current structure was built in 1993, the land has been in use since 1949. The school is well-known for its theater and art departments, both of which have won several accolades. Several movies, including Agent Cody Banks, have been filmed at the school. Programs in business education, the arts, technology, PE, and athletics are among its most notable successes and endeavors. Because many students at North Surrey Secondary School originate from other cultures, significant modern language programs like Spanish, French, and Japanese are available. North Surrey Secondary School recognizes each student's needs and establishes goals such as increasing student success and encouraging students to display employable skills for active citizenship.

Programs in North Surrey Secondary School

The school wishes to recognize that the places on which they work, play, and study are part of the Katzie, Kwantlen, Semiahmoo, and other Coast Salish Peoples' common traditional territory. As a result, North Surrey provides Indigenous Learning Programs with the help of Indigenous Youth Care Workers and Indigenous Graduation Advocates. One of the examples would be Home Economics to learn about the First People’s culture. In addition, North Surrey Secondary School is willing to raise awareness about the importance of family, inter-generational impacts, and community. Every year on September 30, Orange Shirt Day and Truth and Reconciliation Day are observed. When Phyllis Webstad was brought to a Residential School, her orange clothing was taken away from her. On this day, we wear orange shirts to commemorate the erasure of Indigenous children's self-esteem, culture, and independence as a result of residential schools. Every Child Counts Day is a day to recognize that every child matters.

Other academic programs are as important, take for example Information Technology. The North Surrey Secondary School Information Technology Department allows students to explore both the academic and artistic elements of information technology. Computer programming, animation, video production, digital media, web design, photography, and many more courses are available via us. All classes combine the academic with the practical, and many offer opportunities for hands-on practice.

Students at our school can acquire a range of basic numeracy abilities in the younger grades and sophisticated university math in senior classes. We have a strong faculty that is dedicated to helping children achieve in arithmetic. ' Small brains debate people. Events are discussed by ordinary people. Great minds debate ideas. 'Brilliant brains debate mathematics.' They are a continually developing collaborative team of experts that teach responsibility and life-long skills via the framework of science in a supportive and secure learning environment.

A little different from the previous one is the Industrial Technology Department of North Surrey Secondary School, which is aimed to provide students with a hands-on learning experience. Students begin to master the fundamental skills that will lead to jobs in trades and technology. Students in the junior grades will be taught machine safety while working on a range of fascinating projects. Courses are aimed to provide students with the fundamental knowledge and the capacity to progress to senior courses. Students will show their knowledge by participating in a range of laboratories and projects. Senior-year courses may become more specialized. They can select the technology of their choice.

Visual arts are important in preparing our kids to read and interpret the visual world around them. North Surrey's program aims to instill technical knowledge with practical applications while also promoting creativity and individuality. Students will investigate the possibilities of pictures and artworks as a form of self-expression and communication in this course. Students will be able to acquire fundamental methods and strengthen core abilities in a variety of mediums. While the course will emphasize experimentation and discovery, students will begin to develop more formal approaches in a range of media, including graphite pencils, Conte, watercolor, and clay. In 11th grade, students can choose at least one of the Visual Art Studio courses to learn either 2D or 3D, or even combine them in the Studio Art 11 course to explore it further in 12th grade.

North Surrey Secondary School
North Surrey Secondary School

Choreographers and dancers, writers and actors, composers and musicians... the performing arts section is diverse. North Surrey Secondary School values creative growth in both individuals and society. Creative artistic expression, technique, knowledge of the classics, a modern viewpoint, grasp of the forms, and the discipline demanded of all artists are all part of this evolution. It also entails comprehension and enthusiasm for an integrated arts curriculum as well as the arts of diverse civilizations and peoples. Looking ahead, the major purpose of North Surrey's performing arts department is to keep the arts alive through performing at the school and in our community. North Surrey Secondary School will continue to provide students with as many chances as possible in their chosen performing arts curriculum.

North Surrey's Culinary Arts program teaches the skills of food preparation and cooking. Culinary Arts students mix theory and practice to create a variety of savory and sweet foods. Many students work on their projects after school. Some students in the program aspire to be pastry chefs or pursue a professional culinary career, and they continue their studies after completing their high school culinary training.

North Surrey Secondary's Physical Education purpose is to inspire students to engage in regular, lifelong physical exercise as a basis for a healthy, productive, and joyful life. This is accomplished via instruction and practice. Each exercise is intended to prepare all kids for the development of skills, knowledge, and awareness of the life-long advantages of physical activity. Classes are held in an energetic, loving, supportive, and non-threatening environment where each student is challenged to improve. Every student, regardless of skill or ability level, is given a learning environment that encourages full engagement.

According to the BC curriculum, a social study is an interdisciplinary topic that investigates human interaction and natural and social contexts by drawing on the social sciences and humanities. The main purpose of social studies is to cultivate knowledgeable, responsible, and engaged citizens capable of acquiring the necessary information to analyze diverse views and make reasoned judgments. The Social Studies curriculum allows students to critically reflect on events and concerns as future citizens to assess the present, draw connections with the past, and anticipate the future.

Last, but not least is the one-of-a-kind Exploration in the Aviation career program at North Surrey Secondary School. With 5 high school courses, a student will learn about flight operations, and airport law, and get aviation work experience of 3 weeks. If you are interested in participating in aviation-related activities and learning more about it as a career field the school encourages you to apply for the program beginning in the second semester (1 of February). 

Library Learning Commons

If you have read books that you would like to recommend, then come to the library and cast your ballot for a chance to win. Monthly drawings will take place. In addition, North Surrey Secondary School is excited to continue with its Book Club for another year to help students share their thought on all the books. 

Moreover, the school offers a large catalog of various e-books, together with a display archive dating back to October 2012.

North Surrey Secondary School
North Surrey Secondary School


The dynamic North Surrey neighborhood is Surrey's urban hub, with award-winning architecture and research, and education enterprises. This forward-thinking neighborhood serves as the urban component of the huge metropolis. The vibrant center exemplifies Surrey's expansion and development of research centers, educational institutions, and the rebuilt municipal center. North Surrey School extends a warm welcome to all new pupils; however, it does not offer residency for students. Thus, a homestay option can become an international student’s choice. International students typically spend their spare time with their host families. As a result, kids must be matched with the appropriate family. International students must submit a complete homestay application, including their food preferences, hobbies, and other pertinent information. Typically, costs for a homestay option range from $600 to $1,000 CAD a month. In any other instance, an international student can rent an apartment or a condo for $900 to $3,500 CAD per month, or choose to rent a room or live with a friend.

Future Prospects after study in North Surrey Secondary School

North Surrey Secondary School believes that inclusion is a critical component of creating healthy, safe, and prosperous communities. The program is intended to assist students in developing self-awareness and self-advocacy in order to achieve success at school, at home, and in the community. Additionally, if an international student finishes a full degree at this institution, they will be offered virtually endless prospects throughout Canada. Students may believe that after earning graduation, it is time to kick off their careers. Graduates of universities and colleges can get a special visa designed for such events at any time. More precisely, a post-graduation work visa that allows you to work in Canada for a maximum of three years. If all goes well, one can next apply for the status of permanent citizen and, if a graduate is eager, Canadian citizenship.


In case, if you need help with Custodianship and Homestay in order to study in North Surrey Secondary School or other schools in Canada, please fill in application below or contact us directly.


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