Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to Book Accommodation ?

In order to get assistance with Homestay/Student Residence/Private Room reservation, please fill in an application on our website and our client representative will get back to you by email and phone call. As soon as you provide our Company necessary information and process the placement fees, we will assist you with available accommodation options, lease agreement and other details.

How to Make Payment for Accommodation ?

As soon as you confirm the type of accommodation and provide us with required documents for future reservation, our company will send the Invoice with payment details. Our Company accepts Wire Transfer, Credit Card Payments, E-Transfer. Please save the proof of transaction to our company for further assistance and verification.

Type of Accommodation for students in Canada

Local and International Students can choose the next type of Accommodation for their future study in Canada: Homestay, Student Residence, Private Accommodation, etc. The Choice depends on students' preferences, age, affordability and future study location.

Type of Accommodation for minor students in Canada

Minor students must have Custodianship/Guardianship in order to stay with a Host Family in Canada or rent their own residence. The Host Families or Property Management Company prefer to share responsibility with future school, student's parents and assigned Guardian.

What is included in Homestay Package for the students in Canada ?

Homestay Package includes the following, but not limited to:

  • Private Bedroom with a door
  • 3 meals a day
  • Vetted Host family
  • Guardianship Arrangement
  • A bed, bed sheets and pillows
  • Dresser and/or closet space
  • Desk for studying with a chair
  • Lamps / Lighting
  • Wi-fi / Internet
  • You may have your own bathroom or you may share a bathroom with your host sibling or
    another international student.
  • All the bathroom's facilities, including:
  • sink / counter space
  • drawers and/or cabinets for storage
  • shower and/or bath with running water
  • toilet with toilet paper
  • water for bathing/showering
  • Additional resources:
  • drinking water
  • gas / electricity
  • washer + dryer for laundry
  • home furniture: couch, chairs, tables, etc.
  • television
  • cups, plates and silverware
  • kitchen appliances: oven, toaster, dishwasher, stove, etc.
  • Pick-up/Drop-Off to the future school

What is included in Custodianship Package for the students in Canada ?

Custodianship/Guardianship Package includes the following, but not limited to:

  • Find and Assign Custodian for your case
  • Prepare Custodianship Declaration Form
  • Notary Services
  • Arrangement of Immigration Services in Canada
  • Arrangement of Homestay or Accommodation in Canada
  • Assistance with local documents in Canada ( SIN, Driver License, ID)
  • Basic help with banking in Canada
  • Medical Insurance Assistance
  • Assisting with Custodianship Declaration and other related documents from notaries and couriers
  • Controlling the student performance at school and well being outside the school and reporting updates to all interested parties
  • Maintain communication with school, parents, homestay family and other related to the student parties, regarding any questions about the student
  • Meeting with student, if applicable and/or in case of emergency, with aim to help and assist student with unusual situation
  • Assisting with school documents signature and preparation, as per parents' approval and school's permission
  • Help with finding proper medical doctor and proper insurance for medical assistance
  • Arrange the airport pick up and drop off, if applicable
  • Other services, as per parents and schools request, following special separate service agreement