Calgary Catholic School District

Calgary Catholic School District

Calgary Catholic School District
Calgary Catholic School District

Calgary Catholic School District

Founded: 1885

Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada 

Type: Public

Number of Students: over 58,000

Tuition Fees: 12,500 CAD

Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 12

The Calgary Catholic School District (CCSD) is the largest Catholic School District in Western Canada, funded by the provincial government of Alberta. Founded in 1885, the District boasts a long and successful history. Its center is situated in Calgary, but the Board also serves the neighboring communities of Airdrie, Chestermere, Cochrane and Rocky View County. Calgary is a culturally diverse and beautiful metropolis, known for its friendly western hospitality. Close location to the Canadian Rocky Mountains is an additional attraction of the region. 

Calgary Catholic School District
Calgary Catholic School District

Calgary Catholic School District

The Calgary Catholic School District`s mission is to live and learn in the Catholic faith. The community is focused on the creation of a friendly and supportive atmosphere for all students. Newcomers are surrounded by care and attention. A large and dedicated support group works during all the study period to guarantee a smooth and pleasant adaptation of international students. Interpreters and qualified staff monitor the emotional well-being of students and offer thorough support. 

The CCSD includes 116 schools with a total number of its students exceeding 58,000. More than 100 of them are international. The District values its history and combines it harmoniously with modern academic progress. The Catholic virtues that built the foundation of this Board still guide its schools today as students live and learn in the Catholic faith.

Calgary Catholic schools provide a well-rounded, faith-based education in a caring, inclusive, and nurturing environment. A wide range of core and additional programs and services are designed to support the unique needs of each student. The CCSD specialized programs include Advanced Placement, Fine Arts, the Hockey Canada Skills Academy, Home Study, International Baccalaureate, Languages, Single Gender and Year-Round Education. It is worth mentioning, that all the CCSD programs correspond to the standards of the Alberta Education Programs of Study.

The curriculum is flexible and responsive to students’ learning needs. Ongoing assessment informs students, parents and teachers what has been learned and what remains to be learned. This is an effective method of student progress monitoring. Parents are seen as partners in the process of their child`s education and have access to all the resources of the CCSD. Teachers and students integrate religious values in day to day activities and develop the knowledge, beliefs, skills, and values needed to build a relationship with God.

Calgary Catholic School District
Calgary Catholic School District

Off-campus education at the Calgary Catholic School District is design to help students discover their interests and talents. The Work Experience Program permits students who are working or volunteering to get credits towards their high school diploma. The Dual-Credit Program is good for those, who would like to work towards post-secondary or workplace certification while still attending high school. The Exploratory Programs are designed for high school students who are interested in a skilled trade, and the Green Certificate Program for those who like Agriculture and Forestry. The Career Discovery Program gives high school students an opportunity to explore a particular career field for two weeks in summer. And the Registered Apprenticeship Program available at the CCSD is designed for students who want to become an indentured apprentice and earn credits toward their high school diploma.

The Calgary Catholic School district is a partner of Canada Homestay Network (CHN), one of the best homestay service providers. The CHN guarantees every student accommodation in appealing and safe neighborhoods. All host families are interviewed and selected based on mutual student-family interests.  Homestay support 24/7 is available for all Program participants. Homestay service, that includes three daily meals is 920 CAD per month. The Full-year Tuition Fee is 12,500 CAD, Mandatory Medical Insurance is 500 CAD per year and the Application Fee is 250 CAD.




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