Dartmouth High School

Dartmouth High School

Dartmouth High School
Dartmouth High School

Dartmouth High School
The neighborhood of Brightwood in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, is home to the public high school known as Dartmouth High School. Dartmouth High School, which offers classes to students in grades 9 through 12, has always offered a wide range of options for students in terms of courses, ethnic communities, and options. In addition to English, the school offers a French immersion program. The Halifax Harbor is visible from about one-sixth of the rooms at Dartmouth High.
Around 60 teachers and about 12 support staff members worked at Dartmouth High School during the 2005–2006 academic year.
The Bridge Terminal, an important bus hub for the Halifax Transit system, is close to Dartmouth High School. Halifax Transit will launch a pilot program in 2021 to provide free transit passes to high school students. Youth are encouraged to use public transportation by the program and are given access to convenient transportation. Four schools will be using the program as a pilot during the 2021/22 academic year, with Dartmouth High School being one of them.

Programs in Dartmouth High School
The school year at Dartmouth High School is divided into two semesters. September through January is the first semester's duration, while February through June is the second. This school program allows for a total of four credits to be earned each semester. The dual-streamed Dartmouth High School offers programs in both English and French immersion. Additionally, it provides courses for Advanced Placement (AP), Co-Op Education, and, most recently, Options & Opportunities (O2), programs that are meant to enrich and enhance teaching and learning.
Students in grade 12 who want to take one or more college-level courses while they're still in high school can do so through the Advanced Placement Program (AP). Students may achieve advanced placement, credit, or both for university depending on how well they perform on demanding AP exams, which are given globally on predetermined dates. Any student who is ready to tackle the challenge of a demanding curriculum is a good fit for the program. Pre-AP courses in grades 10 and 11 should be taken by students who plan to take Advanced Placement classes in their senior year of high school.
In the Business Education Department of Dartmouth High School, one can take courses in grades 10 through 12 in Accounting, Investment and Finance, AP Microeconomics, Business Management, and Entrepreneurship. With the help of this introductory course, students will gain a basic understanding of accounting and how it relates to both personal and professional bookkeeping procedures. The requirements of investing and financial security will be made more manageable for students by this course. Investing methods, risk and return, life-stage investing, investment math, and financial management are some of the subjects covered. The courses incorporate both theoretical and practical entrepreneurship components, with an emphasis on real, student-driven business development.

Dartmouth High School
Dartmouth High School

Co-operative Education at Dartmouth High School entails a teaching strategy that connects the classroom to the workplace by encouraging interaction between the community, parents, teachers, and students. When combined with the other courses a student is taking, this program offers the chance for them to receive a high school credit. The program combines classroom instruction with a 100-hour placement outside of the classroom. As the student integrates classroom learning and workplace learning, the program strengthens, enhances, and reinforces knowledge.
At the English Department of Dartmouth High School the Speaking and Listening, Reading, and Viewing, as well as Writing and Representing outcome-based strands make up the English Language Arts curriculum. English 10 is a required course for everyone. English Communications 11 (graduation credit), English 11 (academic), English 11 Creative Writing (academic), and Advanced English 11 (academic credit) are the grade 11 options. English Communications 12 (graduation credit), English 12 (academic credit), and Advanced English 12 are the grade 12 options (academic credit). At every grade level, the curriculum will increase students' familiarity with and exposure to a variety of oral, written, and visual texts. It will also give them the chance to develop into thoughtful, articulate, and literate individuals by giving them opportunities to do so.
The French Department is not so far away from the previous one, only perhaps in the way that Dartmouth High includes an additional immersion program. Students who participate in the French Immersion program should become highly proficient in the language. The subjects taught in French are the same as those offered in the regular program. In grades 10, 11, and 12, pupils who participated in early and late French immersion will study together. Mathematics, Sciences, and Oceans (new) are also included in the program.
The Family Studies Department of Dartmouth High School offers such courses as Food For Healthy Living, Food in Society, Child Studies, and Health and Human Services. The knowledge and skills needed for careers in the human service and healthcare fields are introduced to students in this course. Students studying health and human services will examine human development, ethics, the aiding process, inter- and intrapersonal growth, wellness, written and verbal communication, and relevant computer applications.
For the artsy people, the Fine Arts Department of Dartmouth High School provides programs in Visual Arts, Drama, Dance, Music, and AP Art History. Every year, the school band or the Halifax Regional Arts, a branch of the Halifax Regional Center For Education, collaborates with the drama department to put on a large-scale production. The school's concert band visited Cuba in 2001, 2003, and 2006 to share music with the community there and give performances. The concert band usually travels long distances each year, but in 2007, they took a smaller journey to Cape Breton for the Cape Breton Music Festival.

Dartmouth High School
Dartmouth High School

Designed to help students improve and develop their learning skills and strategies, Learning Strategies 10 is an open course among Dartmouth High special courses. Learning Strategies 10 will help students shift into the high school credit system and will help them understand themselves as learners.
The Mathematics Department of the School presents the math classes while exercising caution when selecting mathematics courses that align with their interests and abilities, as well as their career and educational goals. Such programs as Mathematics at Work, Math Essentials, Calculus, and Pre-Calculus.
Dartmouth High School has teams competing in all major high school sports. The Spartans have also won many recent Metro Boys Rugby titles, as well as Tier II Football titles in 1995, 2004, 2010, and 2018. The most recent Tier I Football Championship was in 1971.
That's why it is a perfect opportunity to enroll in any of the courses proposed by Dartmouth High School in the Physical Education Department. This course will expose students to a variety of fitness and sports experiences that will help them better understand personal fitness and growth. In Phys-Ed 10, students will have the chance to take part in a variety of both indoor and outdoor fitness, sporting, and recreational activities as well as theory-based learning opportunities.
According to the Foundation for the Atlantic Science Curriculum, the goal of the Science Department of Dartmouth High School is to develop scientific literacy. Science literacy is an evolving set of attitudes, skills, and knowledge that students require to develop inquiry, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities; to become lifelong learners; and to maintain a sense of wonder about the world around them.
This high school's overall educational program includes technology education as a core component. The combination of technology education courses with other course choices will allow the student to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and understanding required to successfully function and develop as a person, an employee, and a member of the community. Because technology is constantly developing, the course material will consider recent developments as well as how these developments affect contemporary society. Students are encouraged to experiment and conduct research.
Last, but not least the Social Studies Department: history, geography, sociology, and political science are among the subjects that senior high school students can choose to study. Students are given the chance to broaden their knowledge base and to keep refining their range of useful skills in the senior high social studies program. Students will have the chance to conduct independent research projects that complement their in-class learning through the use of libraries and other resources.
Dartmouth High School does not offer the option of housing for students, so those who choose to attend the school must find another place to live. Foreign students studying in Nova Scotia are required to pay a set amount for a separate room, meals, family support, and community events. The monthly average cost of a homestay in the city is $750 to $1000 CAD. The number of meals served, the facilities offered, and any additional services all affect the price of a homestay.
Future Prospects
After graduating from Dartmouth High School, international students can choose from a variety of jobs and postsecondary institutions. Students may first continue pursuing their educational objectives at any other Canadian educational institution. When a graduate is ready, they can begin the job-search process. To begin, obtaining a post-graduation work permit, which allows individuals to be employed in Canada for three years, is one option. International students, however, must first meet certain requirements to become eligible for this type of visa. Application for permanent residency and, eventually, Canadian citizenship, would then be feasible.


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