River East School Division

River East Transcona School Division

River East School Division
River East School Division

River East Transcona School Division

River East Transcona School District (RETSD) is a Winnipeg, Manitoba school division. As the province's second biggest school division, it is made up of sections of two independent divisions that amalgamated in 2002: the Transcona-Springfield School Division's urban sector (i.e., Transcona) and the River East School Division. It is situated on the ancestral territory of the Anishinaabeg, Ininiwak, Anishinaabeg, Dakota, and Dene peoples, as well as the Red River Métis. With about 16,700 students, both regular and international, in 42 schools, RETSD is Manitoba's second-largest school division. The division employs roughly 1,200 instructors and 650 support personnel who maintain a dynamic and caring learning environment to help students reach their full potential.


River East Transcona Division provides a wide choice of creative, demanding, and globally approved academic and technical vocational programs to students. The division also provides a variety of services to meet the needs of students of all abilities and to adapt to our community's changing demographics.

With the participation of McLeod Adult Learning Centre, River East Transcona School Division focus on English literacy, mathematics, and computer use. Adult Learning on Lombard provides several options to improve the student experience. Opportunities include field excursions, culinary classes, arts and crafts, and wellness-related activities. Every student will have a personalized learning plan, and they will be able to work at their speed. Each student will also have their own Wellness Skills Supports Facilitator, who will support kids in setting objectives, overcoming personal barriers, and improving their overall well-being.

River East Transcona School Division is creating student success and the key role here is the High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP). This program permits students to begin an apprenticeship in skilled crafts before graduation. This curriculum is ideal for students who are presently employed in the skilled crafts, want to pursue a career in the skilled trades, have family members who work in the skilled trades or want to obtain some elective credits. River East Transcona School Division now offers high school apprentices earning credits, tuition incentives, and hours towards their trade at each of its high schools.

The cornerstone of all of the school division students' excellent educational experiences is high-quality teaching and learning. River East Transcona School Division works hard to ensure that the activities and services we provide meet the needs of all our populations, both in and out of the classroom. That’s why the Early Literacy & Numeracy program is presented. Early development of good numeracy and literacy abilities can lead to improved academic performance for pupils in the future. That is why kindergarten and Grade 1 children who are struggling with math and reading receive extra assistance via our Early Numeracy Intervention Program (ENIP) and Reading Recovery. Both programs are available at all River East Transcona School Division early years schools.

The school division offers multilingual education in its language departments as well. English, French, German, Ukrainian, Spanish, or even Japanese are all available across River East Transcona School Division. The students can learn French (grades 4-12) more intensely and finish with the ability to speak, read, and write in both English and French within the French immersion program. Also, the only English-German Bilingual Program in Winnipeg is offered here. The English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program starts in kindergarten and runs until Grade 8. Collège Miles Macdonell Collegiate, Kildonan-East Collegiate, River East Collegiate, and Collège Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau also offer Spanish classes. Collège Miles Macdonell Collegiate has a Japanese program. Both of these courses introduce students to the language through oral and written components, as well as an examination of Japanese culture and the cultures of Spanish-speaking nations.

Performing arts of all kinds are celebrated in the River East Transcona Division. Music lessons are provided by trained music teachers who provide students of all grades with a wide range of learning and performing possibilities. Arts programming is taught by classroom teachers in the early years and by a specialist in middle and high school. The River East Transcona Divisional Choir provides children in Grades 6-8 with the opportunity to improve their choral technique and experience, meet new friends, and perform publicly. Every year, the choir performs two community performances and occasionally travels on tour. Auditions for membership in the following season's choir are held in May.

River East Transcona School Division Athletics department physical and health education programs have a single goal: to promote active, healthy living choices to assure future well-being. Students in all grade levels get instruction and are encouraged to engage in intramurals and inter school activities to increase their physical activity. Intramurals provide students with additional opportunities to use, practice, and enhance their abilities while engaging in positive, entertaining social contact with their classmates. Tumbling rallies, cross-country running competitions, and folk-dance festivals in the park, which bring hundreds of pupils, are examples of early years interschool divisional activities. These enjoyable, relaxing activities provide an opportunity for young pupils to demonstrate their abilities.

To gain experience in the technical vocational fields, River East Transcona School Division has many programs offered. The labs and shops, which are outfitted with industrial equipment and technology following current industry and business standards, considerably boost our students' chances for post-secondary training, apprenticeships, and meaningful employment. Among the programs are Culinary Arts, Baking and Pastry Arts, Graphic Arts, Hairstyling, Photography, Nail Technology, Welding Technology, and Carpentry.

Alongside all the programs, Adult and Continuing Education administers the River East Transcona School Division's summer school program. Students should register early to optimize their chances of securing a chosen course or time slot because registrations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis.

Moreover, the school division offers IB at Collège Miles Macdonell Collegiate. The curriculum for the IB Diploma Program begins in Grade 11. In Grades 9 and 10, students enter their IB education with introductory courses. The Advanced Placement Program is also presented to encourage the student who seeks to excel in the areas that encompass enriched curricula. 

River East School Division
River East School Division


River East Transcona School Division campuses are in calm, secure neighborhoods in northeast Winnipeg, along the gorgeous Red River, with quick and simple access to downtown. The schools are cutting-edge. They have media resource centers, an online library system, science and computer laboratories, one or two gymnasiums, a fitness facility, and well-equipped music and theatre facilities. They house cutting-edge technology and software to assist students in doing research and learning technical skills like computer-aided design. Every student has access to the Internet and an e-mail address. Large indoor swimming pool facilities are provided near our campuses, and students can utilize them for relaxation at the end of the day or on weekends and evenings. All River East Transcona School Division students benefit from an atmosphere that encourages academic performance as well as social and physical well-being.


The school's division libraries are not just an important aspect of the instructional environment; they are also crucial to the life of the school. The teacher librarians and library technicians offer programs that are a force for change and aim to help our students reach the division's goal of being inspired, skilled, and responsible citizens.

Students and teachers rely on our libraries to offer current, curriculum-related materials in several formats and modalities, as well as properly educated personnel who know how to search, access, and use those items. RETSD's libraries are evolving into learning hubs where our students and teachers may be supported on their path to becoming skilled, lifelong learners, thinkers, and researchers who utilize information and technology ethically to create, innovate, and produce.


River East Transcona School Division, located east of the Red River in the city's northeast quadrant, serves the urban communities of East and North Kildonan and Transcona, as well as the rural regions of East St. Paul and St. Clements — the rural area of the school division is represented by Ward 5 trustee. The placement of overseas students in a safe, loving household is critical to the success of the River East Transcona School Division - International Education Program. Students may experience what it's like to be a member of a Canadian family through the homestay program. International students will live with a family and engage in family activities such as housework. All homestay families are properly investigated. Their residences are also assessed to ensure that students will live in a safe, healthy, and supportive environment. Students may anticipate a private bedroom, three meals each day, and a cheerful and helpful living and learning environment.

Future Prospects

International students at River East Transcona School Division can learn about Advanced Programs as well as Apprenticeship Programs, as well as explore their career options. Multiple avenues to various post-secondary destinations are available here. The school division advises students to begin thinking about their future as early as possible: comprehending the present realities of jobs and education is critical. If that is preferred for a student, they may then apply for a post-graduation work visa in Canada and work their way up to permanent residence status. Then they either leave Canada to try their luck in other fields or stay for good with Canadian citizenship.


In case, if you need help with Custodianship and Homestay in order to study in Canada, please fill in application below or contact us directly.


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