Private vs Public High Schools

Private vs Public High Schools in Canada

High Schools in Canada

High Schools in Canada

High school Students and especially their partners always debate about what type of school will be better for their kids . Some people think that private schools will be more flexible and individual focus , others prefer public with aim to provide Canadian atmosphere to their children and improve their language and cultural understanding by communication with native kids. All mentioned arguments are mostly correct, however let’s try to describe advantages and disadvantages of each option .

Why Private High schools in Canada ?

1) Individual approach
Private schools and their teachers mostly work and teach group of 10-12 students , which helps to reach each student and engage to call discussion and teaching process . As a result , all students get proper knowledge , understanding and explanation during the whole Education period .
2) Flexibility
Private schools and their teachers more flexible and always try to make everything in order their students become successful and graduate with best grades from school and be accepted to high Ranking universities . By doing that , they proof their quality , Ranking and professionalism  in front of parents , kids, public schools and ministry of education .

High Schools in Canada
High Schools in Canada


In case if we are talking about boarding private schools , which sometimes rather expensive , that have amazing facilities for any kind of students . Such things as : swimming pool , hockey and tennis courts, cinema and theatre classes , music and dance courses, information technology and engineering classes , etc . Using school facilities make the students physically  strong , mentally stable and broaden their life horizons .
4) Residency and Safety
Continue conversation about boarding schools , all of them have their own residency , which create 24/7 safety environment for kids and as a result for mental stability of their parents .

Why Public schools in Canada ?

1) Tuition Fees
Most public schools in Canada has low and affordable tuition fees in comparison with private schools . It is really important for parents , who have limited financial assets , however would like still good quality of Canadian secondary education for their kids .
2) Diversity
It is not a secret , that in public school there is a good ratio of diversity , which consist of native Canadians , Canadian immigrants and international students from different counties . It means , international children may study English language and different cultures faster and more efficient . International communication and education make the children more flexible to different cultures and as a result bring more kind attitude to all people in general .
3) Different options
All public schools in Canada are organized in one school board as per each province and region . Such kind of organization , helps parents choose school with priority of where their children will be living and studying depending on different preferences .
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