Live with Canadian Family

Live with Canadian Family

Live with Canadian Family as an International Student

Before you come to study in Canada, it is very important to choose the most suitable type of accommodation for you in the country. And definitely you should consider one of the most worthwhile experiences and live with a Canadian family as an international student. You can feel what life is like in Canada by staying with a local host family and studying at the local school.

If you want to live with a Canadian family as an international student, you have to complete an application form mentioning your interests, hobbies, dietary requirements, and other details before arriving in Canada. Thus, your host family will meet your expectations and specific demands.

A homestay program is a great option for all international students since it offers a second-to-none experience. The homestay program allows you to live with a Canadian family as an international student without the worries of finding perfect accommodation or signing a lease from your home country. If you are more than 18 years old and choose to live in a host family for a while, they can help you with many of your future decisions, such as different long-term accommodation options, travelling, and even immigration. Obviously, it is exciting and, at the same time, difficult to adapt to new cultures and traditions. That is why you need to learn how to live with a Canadian family as an international student. You can prepare for your new homestay in several ways.

  1. You need to give yourself time to adjust to your homestay family and time for them to adjust to you. In its turn, you need to be open-minded and not make judgments about the Canadian lifestyle too quickly. Usually, most international students adapt to the new lifestyle after a few weeks.
  2. When you are going to live with a Canadian family as an international student, you need to perceive them as your second family. In fact, a homestay acts as a home away from home. However, it is common to experience feelings of homesickness. When you feel a need to talk with your family and friends, you can do it anytime since all homestays have an Internet connection.
  3. Obviously, it can be challenging to cope with all the changes at first. You will face these changes in household routines when you begin to live with a Canadian family as an international student. Also, you will feel differences from your previous school when attending a new school in a new country. You should accept all changes since it is exciting to compare how school life in Canada differs from your home.
  4. When you begin to live with a Canadian family as an international student, you will mention differences in food, traditions, and in the ways Canadians do things. You need to be proactive and ask questions that interest you. In this way, your host family will introduce you to Canadian culture and tell you about different aspects of living here. Also, you should tell them about any concerns or problems you encounter since your host family aims to provide you with a friendly and supportive environment.
  5. If you want to live with a Canadian family as an international student, you should understand that your host family is not the same as yours. All families differ, and homestay families are not the exception. Canada is a multicultural country, so people and the way they live differ from region to region. When you live with a Canadian family as an international student, you can meet different homestay families in terms of ethnic background, race, religion, and cultural heritage.

Live with Canadian Family
Live with Canadian Family

The family structures can also vary, for example, one parent stays home to raise the children, or both parents working, or your host parents being retirees. Your host family also may have several children of different ages, or they can welcome a couple of other international students. When you are going to live with a Canadian family as an international student, you can ask them whether they have children or host other students. If you do not feel comfortable about living with other children, you can specify it in the application form.

  1. When you are going to live with a Canadian family as an international student, you should know that each host family has a different lifestyle. Some families enjoy active lifestyles and participate in local community activities or sports, whereas other families prefer other ways of spending time. If you want to experience the active lifestyle of the Canadian family, you can choose to live in a large city. If you want to become a part of the local community, you can choose to live in the countryside. Regardless of the many possible differences, the homestay family aims to provide you with a supportive, enriching, and memorable experience while you live with a Canadian family as an international student.

Now, after the main challenges of life with the host family have been discussed above, it is time to have a closer look at the main benefits of the homestay if you still doubt whether you should live with a Canadian family as an international student.

  1. The main advantage of staying with a host family is the opportunity to improve your English language skills. The homestay program does not just help you to live with a Canadian family as an international student. It also aims to guarantee your full immersion into a new culture. In fact, international students who live with native English or French speakers pick up the language much quicker than those who live on-campus or off-campus. It can be explained by the fact that when you live with a Canadian family as an international student, you practice your conversational skills every day and develop an ‘ear’ for the language.
  2. Homestay also helps international students learn more about Canadian culture. When you live with a Canadian family as an international student, you are surrounded by a culturally enriching experience. For instance, you can help your host family prepare traditional meals. Depending on the lifestyle of your host family, you can watch Canadian sports games at home or root for your favourite team in the stadium. You will have plenty of opportunities to learn more about Canadian culture. As a rule, the school administration asks homestay families whether they are going to include international students in family life. It means that you will live with a Canadian family that appreciates and encourages your curiosity about a new culture.
  3. One more benefit of the homestay is your safety. For Canadian schools, the safety and welfare of their international students are a top priority. The school administration understands that your parents may be nervous about sending you to live with a Canadian family as an international student. Fortunately, you will be completely safe since international students have access to a wide support network, such as a homestay coordinator, international program staff, a custodian, and a host family. These people will check your safety and wellbeing regularly. To give you more evidence, all host families go through a thorough selection process and extensive background check, which includes a criminal record check and references. As a result, you and your parents can rest assured that you will be looked after and supported during your stay in Canada.
  4. The last but not the least benefit of the homestay is its affordability. It is often the most economical accommodation option to live with a Canadian family as an international student since the monthly cost of room and board generally includes meals and laundry facilities. You will also save money because you will not have to worry about furnishing an apartment and paying the bills. Therefore, you can have the possibility to travel and see Canada firsthand.


If you need help with finding homestay or accommodation in Canada, please contact us or fill in application below.


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