St. Joseph’s College School

St. Joseph’s College School

St. Joseph’s College School
St. Joseph’s College School

St. Joseph’s College School

St. Joseph’s College School (St. Joe's, sometimes referred to as St. Joe's Wellesley), originally known as St. Joseph's Academy for Young Ladies, is a Catholic high school for girls in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada. St. Joseph’s College School's motto is "Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor" (The love of Christ has gathered us together into one). This has mirrored a long heritage of teaching young women in a caring, Catholic, faith-filled atmosphere by concentrating on their academic, physical, social, and artistic qualities. Respect for the rights and dignity of all people, as well as service to others, are essential in our everyday lives.

Programs in St. Joseph’s College School

Over 80% of our students continue their education at a university or college level. With an overall total of 80% or higher, a large proportion of St. Joseph’s College School alumni are Ontario Scholars. With a firm base in mathematics and physics, many graduates go on to study in university-level applied science programs. St. Joseph’s College School offers the following specialty programs: Gifted Program, Advanced Placement Program, Instrumental and Vocal Music, Basketball Sport-focused Program, Fast Forward Program in Healthcare, and Extended French. From now on, we are going to delve into the details of St. Joseph’s College School's 14 separate departments. 

Located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, St. Joseph’s College School provides an opportunity for international students to find out all the fascinating events that happened throughout the country’s history. The Department of Canadian and World Studies assists students in becoming knowledgeable, responsible, and engaged global citizens. The curriculum combines classes in geography, history, civics, law, and travel and tourism. The strategic location in the heart of downtown Toronto provides us with unparalleled access to amenities that enhance the curriculum. To mention a few, they include the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the Ontario Legislative Assembly, the Royal Ontario Museum, the historic Spadina House, and the University of Toronto. 

As well as regional studies, students also need to acquire additional English skills to be fluent in their learning process. Students can learn the requisite abilities in Reading, Writing, Media, and Oral Communication through the Ontario English curriculum. The board of St. Joseph’s College School believes that the core plot of Western literature is a cyclical hero-quest that tells the search for human identity via four stories— tragedy, irony and satire, romance, and comedy. Following the same technique, St. Joseph’s College School's English as a Second Language program is meant to provide communication skills to students whose first language is not English. The curriculum is intended to assist students to develop the skills necessary to establish fluency in daily English, as well as proficiency in academic English, which will allow them to effectively integrate into the mainstream school program.

St. Joseph’s College School
St. Joseph’s College School

Canada boasts the French language to be the mother tongue of some 7,2 million citizens only being second to English. Thus, no wonder that the French as a Second Language program is offered at St. Joseph’s College School with Core and Extended programs. Each course's material is divided into four interconnected strands: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. If a student has completed the 4 credits in Core French from Grades 9-12, she will be awarded a Core French Certificate from the Toronto Catholic District School Board upon graduation. A student receives an Extended French Certificate from the Toronto Catholic District School Board upon graduation if she has completed 4 credits of Extended French and 3 credits of Religion taught in French in high school.

Not leaving behind people who believe in the power of art, the Arts Department provides a variety of courses that stimulate artistic inquiry and personal growth in our students, as well as the sharing of those abilities with the community. Students in drama take part in Remembrance Day and Easter celebrations, as well as one-act plays. Students in Vocal and Instrumental Music perform in school Masses, Christmas assemblies, sing-alongs, and concerts. Students in Visual and Media Arts routinely exhibit their work in our display cases and participate in bigger community events such as Nuit Blanche. It is worth noting that this department places a strong focus on Native Studies.

The Social Studies and Humanities Department allows students to investigate the various facets of a meaningful existence, both as individuals and as members of a larger society. Students continue to build the critical thinking and expressive talents that are the foundations for a bright future through the courses and activities St. Joseph’s College School provides. Visits to the Royal Ontario Museum, the University of Toronto, and the Bata Shoe Museum enrich social studies at SJCS by exposing students to vivid instances of what they have been learning. Students studying to work with infants and young children utilize life-like infant simulators to practice caring for a newborn.

For the devout students of St. Joseph’s College School, the Religion and Family Studies Department was created. In Grades 9 and 10, you will discover more about yourself, make new friends, explore foreign cultures, and know that God is with you. In Grade 11, you will learn about several world faiths. You'd be amazed at how much we all share! In Grade 12, you will study various topics affecting our globe, such as media power and security vs. freedom.

Moving on to a whole different department, St. Joseph’s College School has Computer Technology studies as its fundamental tool for students to learn to program. Computer science is the study of how computers compute. It is considerably more than computer programming and does not include knowing how to use a computer. The study of methods of expressing things and processes is known as computer studies. It entails issue definition, problem analysis, solution design, program development, testing, and maintenance.

At the Mathematics Department through individualized instruction and a variety of learning experiences, St. Joseph’s College School encourages and supports students at all levels. It also assists homework clubs and peers tutoring. The school provides courses in the concentrated advanced placement program for students who want to challenge themselves and be better prepared for the difficult work in mathematics at the postsecondary level. Students can begin with pre-advanced placement in grade nine and go until grade twelve when they can take AP Calculus and AP Statistics. In Grade 12, students are encouraged to take AP tests, which allow them to compare their mathematics abilities to worldwide standards.

The Health and Physical Education department is dedicated to improving our students' physical and mental health and motivating them to live healthy, active lifestyles. St. Joseph’s College School program allows young women to actively participate in a variety of physical activities while also gaining knowledge and skills that will help them stay active and make good decisions. 

If one is willing to dive deeper into the Health Care program, that would be possible right away. St Joseph College's Healthcare curriculum teaches students to the worldwide goals of health promotion, illness prevention, early detection techniques, treatments, and rehabilitation.

Last, but not least, at St. Joseph’s College School, Science Department students learn about the world in practical and meaningful ways. Students are involved in the debate and analysis of themes and subjects of contemporary societal importance at the local, national, and global levels. A sizable proportion of St. Joseph’s College School students opt to study at the Advanced Placement level. These courses provide a more demanding and difficult atmosphere that fully prepares students for university studies.

St. Joseph’s College School
St. Joseph’s College School

Dress Code

When students decide to join the St. Joseph’s College School community, they agree to wear the school uniform appropriately and with pride. Students should always be tidy and well-groomed. Students' general immaculate appearance helps the school community's good order and environment. The School Council reviews St. Joseph’s College School uniform policy annually per the requirements of the Toronto Catholic District School Board. A civvies day is a privilege provided at the Administration's discretion. Students may wear alternate clothes on such days.


Toronto is a great place to visit your dream landmarks such as the CN Tower, The Royal Museum of Ontario, the Ripley Aquarium, and many other beautiful sites. In 2022, the current metro area population of Toronto is 6,313,000 people. As a consequence, for an international student considering homestay or renting an apartment to attend St. Joseph’s College School, Toronto may be the best option. The homestay option allows you to explore the city and Canadian culture while still participating in the educational process. Homestays and flats in this city often cost $500-1,700 CAD per month for international students. An important thing to mention would be that homestay candidates are thoroughly checked and have their homes vetted by professionals, and the site is usually fairly near to the school. In any other case, condos, apartments, and other options for rent are always available with prices from approximately $1,500-3,000 CAD.

Future Prospects after study in Canada

St. Joseph's College offers a comprehensive International program that provides great academic and spiritual possibilities. St. Joseph's College ensures that students have the knowledge and skills they need to make a great career, life, and educational decisions. Following graduation, a student may seek a degree and further their study at any of Canada's higher education institutions. A former St Joseph's College graduate may apply for a post-graduation work visa and work in Canada for up to three years after earning a post-secondary full-time degree. Foreign citizens can apply for Express Entry or permanent residence status in Canada after having significant employment experience.


In case, if you need help with Custodianship and Homestay in order to study in St. Joseph’s College School or other schools in Canada, please fill in application below or contact us directly.



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