Western Canada High School

Western Canada High School

Western Canada High School
Western Canada High School

Western Canada High School

Western Canada High School, also known as WCHS, is a public high school in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It has classes for students in grades 10 through 12. Western is the most conveniently located public high school in Calgary, located on 17th Avenue in the Lower Mount Royal community. Academically, it is the province's top-ranked public high school. Western Canada High School encourages you to contribute to the school and give your all in your classes and extracurricular activities. Students will establish a strong community of excellence by creating an environment of shared commitment. The school also creates a result plan utilizing data from the previous school year. It demonstrates the students' achievement and progress in meeting the CBE and Alberta Education objectives and outcomes, defines some of the highlights of the Western Canada High School's development plan, and provides a general description of the school.


Programs in Western Canada High School

Even though most schools offer a consistent program, no two are exactly alike. All schools follow Alberta Education's mandated curriculum, but each school has its focus, optional courses, and school activities. One of the main focuses of Western Canada High School is English Language Learning. The ELL Program teaches English Language Proficiency levels 2 through 5. When students' skills reach that level, they advance to the next proficiency level. Students who demonstrate increased proficiency beyond the next level may be moved up by two classes, for example, from ELL 3A to ELL 4A, skipping ELL 3B. Similarly, some students may require more time at a specific level than the standard semester. Projects, Labs, Term Papers, and various quizzes are also a major part of WCHS programs. All students at Western Canada High School are expected to pay coherent and regular consideration to most in-class projects, tasks, research papers, labs, quizzes, and homework. You may choose to participate in a dual credit program as part of your high school learning plan as a CBE student at Western Canada High School. Dual credit programs allow you to study in an area of interest while also getting a head start on post-secondary education. As a dual credit student, you would be allowed to enroll in both a post-secondary institution and a high school at the same time. You would earn credits toward a high school diploma as well as a post-secondary degree or diploma.In addition, the International Baccalaureate program is offered at Western Canada High School. The International Baccalaureate Program is an enhanced study program for students. The program's goal is to develop students who are knowledgeable, caring, and inquisitive. Students in this program will be encouraged to improve their cognitive achievement and vision of the world by combating enriched material courses with a focus on the global perspective. IB students can earn the Full IB Diploma or IB Certificates (Partial IB). The distinction between the two is that IB Diploma students must complete at least six IB courses in at least five groups, with at least three at the higher level. IB Certificate students, on the other hand, can take two or more IB courses and receive a completion certificate for each one. Western Canada High School offers IB courses in Chemistry, History, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, English, Spanish ab initio, Spanish B, and Philosophy. Numerous different courses are offered for a fee through the Chinese Academy or online through Pamoja Education. Furthermore, Diploma IB students take Theory of Knowledge, write an Extended Essay, and complete the program's C.A.S. (Creativity, Activity, Service).

Western Canada High School
Western Canada High School

Western Canada High School's French Immersion Program is tailored for both "early" and "late" immersion students from junior high schools. All of these credits are taught in French and follow the regular Alberta Curriculum. In addition to taking immersive experience courses, students must complete the regular high school curriculum. Students can earn both the French Immersion Certificate of Achievement and the IB Diploma in French. Every semester, students should complete at least one French Immersion course.
Career and Life Management is a required course for obtaining a high school diploma in Alberta. CALM is a life-skills course designed to assist learners to make well-informed, deliberate choices and decisions by developing behaviors and attitudes that contribute to one's own and others' well-being and respect now and in the future. It is usually offered in Grade 11 and can be completed in class or online. The CALM course in person brings together community experts from various community groups to provide an interactive, informative, and engaging learning experience. The online course is completed independently through D2L and provides students with scheduling flexibility.

Career and Technology Studies follow and are recommended for students that take interest in the Career and Life Management program. These courses are recommended for Western Canada High School Grade 10 students. All Grade 10 students are eligible to select at least one introductory course from the list of Media, Design, & Communication, Trades, Manufacturing & Transportation, Business Administration, Finance & Information Technology, Natural Resources, and Health, Recreation & Human Services.
Western Canada High School’s ELA (English Language Arts) is more than just reading and writing. ELA entails effectively communicating in a variety of settings for a plethora of audiences and reasons, choosing a suitable form, structure, and technology for a variety of contexts, and comprehending, appreciating, and creating a wide range of texts. For example, ELA 10-1, 20-1, and 30-1 courses are meant for students whose educational/career paths necessitate post-secondary admission. The IB Route of ELA is designed for students whose academic or career paths necessitate post-secondary admission and who want to push themselves beyond the Alberta Program of Studies or fulfill the required post-secondary admission requirements. Aside from English, Spanish and French courses are also provided with the implementation of cultural and historical aspects.

The Fine and Performing Arts Program at Western Canada High School is thriving. Each school year, at least half of the students are enrolled in one of the Fine Arts disciplines (Drama, Band, Dance, Choir, and Visual Arts). The majority of Western's Fine Arts offerings for students who will attend grade 10 do not necessitate any prior experience or prerequisites. Students who want to pursue excellence have opportunities in every aspect of the Fine and Performing Arts Program.Science Alberta Curriculum provides high school science courses that emphasize interconnected ideas and principles like change, diversity, and energy. You gain scientific knowledge by accumulating, evaluating, and analyzing experimental data. Science courses allow you to make connections between science, technology, and society. In Science, three program paths are available: the Diploma Path (10, 20, 30; 14, 24-course sequences) and the IB Route (Standard Level and Higher Level).
Social Studies courses investigate relationships between individuals and between societies. You investigate issues that communities face in terms of culture, economics, ethics, law, politics, and religion. These courses are designed to help students understand who they are, what kind of society they want, and how they and others shape our world. Western Canada High School provides a comprehensive Social Studies curriculum in both French and English. Students should select the program that best fits their educational/career goals.

Western Canada High School
Western Canada High School

Extracurricular Activities in Western Canada High School

Extracurricular activities allow students at Western Canada High School to pursue passions and interests that are not covered in the regular curriculum. Special interest clubs, arts, music, and athletics are examples of such activities. Western Canada High School is pleased to provide a variety of extracurricular activities that enrich our students' learning experiences. Western offers a diverse range of athletic teams to choose from. All the school teams compete in the Calgary Senior High School Athletics Association (CSHSAA), which is also governed by the Alberta Schools Athletics Association (ASAA).
The staff at Western Canada High School values student leadership in Clubs and Associations. We recognize that the numerous opportunities that student leaders create for their peers improve our school culture. Students work individually in groups without the specific support of a professor sponsor.

Accommodation in Western Canada High School

Calgary is located on the Bow River in southern Alberta at the confluence of the Western grasslands and mountain hill country. With a population of 1,611,000, Calgary quickly becomes a popular destination for international students. As a result, the Calgary Board of Education is managed by Canada Homestay Network (CHN) (CBE). With the help of CBE, CHN provides warm and welcoming homestays, places to study and live a full life, and related custodianship services to international students so they feel well-supported during their program of study in Canada. Being a student under the age of 18 who does not live with a parents' friend or relative who can be your Custodian, you are obliged to register in CBE's Homestay and Custodianship Program.

Future Prospects after study in Western Canada High School

Throughout and after their education, students are constantly surrounded by a variety of options. It is critical to identify your career interests while in school. A student at this institution will not have to think about how to choose a major at a university or college for long. As a result, finding work in the future will be much easier. While still in high school, a student can plan their future studies at any of Canada's educational institutions. A university or college degree, on the other hand, opens up a world of job opportunities, but only once a post-graduation working visa is received. Some students don't stop there and opt for a status of permanent resident to then apply for Canadian citizenship.


In case, if you need assistance with Custodianship and Homestay in order to study in Western Canada High School or other schools in Canada, please fill in application below or contact us directly.



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