St. Laurent Academy Private School

St. Laurent Academy Private School

St. Laurent Academy Private School

 St. Laurent Academy Private School was founded in 2005 and is stationed in Rideau-Rockliffe ward, Ottawa. The school offers a secondary education program with a unique approach of creating small classes in which each and every course is taught by a corresponding specialist. Among its programs: Daycare, K-Grade 8, and High School Programs. The building itself is situated in the residential area alongside Forbes Park. Besides, the learning process is broadened by monthly field trips, partnerships with local communities, and outdoor classroom activities at the Macoun Marsh. On the whole, St. Laurent Academy Private School’s number of day students enrolled is 157, with about 200 families altogether comprising a closely-knit community.

 Award-winning programs for inquisitive children and teenagers are one of the numerous reasons St. Laurent Academy Private School was given the name of one of the best private schools in Ottawa. It helps children explore their interests, and improve their skills with programs approved by the Ministry of Education.


 The main principle of St. Laurent Academy is that they view every child’s interests, hobbies, and skills as a world of myriad potential opportunities. One of the programs that investigate each child’s abilities is the Daycare Program, which belongs to the Early Childhood Education programs. St. Laurent Academy Private School’s Daycare program inspects both the bilingual aspect of studying and studying solely in French. A nurturing environment arranges for children aged 10 months to 4 years a setting that provides a foundation for academic and social success. The program encompasses various practical activities ranging from swimming, dancing, and gymnastics to skating, yoga, fitness, etc. St. Laurent Academy Private School strives to meet the needs of all the students of the Daycare programs. For this reason, the School facilities are constantly renovated.

 St. Laurent Academy Private School Daycare programs involve Infant Bilingual (10-18 months), Toddler Bilingual (18-30 months), Preschool Bilingual (2,5-4 years), and Preschool French (2,5-4 years).

 The Infant Bilingual program gives the child a chance to become acquainted with Canada’s official languages, such as English and French. The program itself starts at 10 months of age and is ended when the child is ready to move on to the Toddler Class at some 18 months of age. Usually, a class of 9 infants is accepted into the program, thus, the classroom staff-to-student ratio is 3:1. A typical infant day in such a program will start with a pre-care (socializing, free play), a regular program of some 7 hours (meals, activities, naps), post-care (optional).

St. Laurent Academy Private School
St. Laurent Academy Private School

 The Toddler Bilingual program explores the same English and French path to help children succeed in learning shortly. Children can enter the program at 18 months of age and move on at some 30 months of age. The toddler classroom ratio is 5:1, while the maximum number of students is 15. Daily sports, fitness activities, and building strong motor skills are what the program’s curriculum is comprised of. A typical toddler day on such a program will start with pre-care (socializing, free play), a regular program of some 7 hours (meals, outdoor activities, naps, cognitive activities), and post-care (optional).

 The Preschool Bilingual and Preschool French programs are available for all of the children that reached 2,5 years old. St. Laurent Academy Private School offers both a bilingual and a French preschool class for students of this program. The staff ratio here is 8:1. What makes the program a bit different from the abovementioned is the appearance of gym activities with the guidance of St. Laurent Academy Private School’s Physical Education Specialist. Apart from that, students can also take part in skating off-site. The regular program includes a Science class with the school’s Science Specialist or a Music Class at 10 a.m. It is also possible to attend the St. Laurent Academy Private School outdoor classroom located at Macoun Marsh. A typical preschool day will start with pre-care (socializing, free play), regular program (meals, phys-ed, outdoor play, quiet time), post care (optional).

 At St. Laurent Academy Private School, there is an elementary school program present as well. Resource Program puts forward a regular curriculum supplemented with out-of-class instruction and guidance. Assistive technology and Barton system in particular is implemented by St. Laurent Academy Private School. The Barton Reading, previously used to work out issues related to dyslexia, allows for resolving problems that arise during the spelling, reading, and writing process.

 The program is also suitable for international students due to a significant part of the student body being foreign citizens. For the children whose first (or even second language) is not English an Elementary ESL (English Second Language) Program was generated. It is designed to provide students with a fundamental, base knowledge of the English language in 5 vitally important areas: Speaking, Writing, Listening, Reading, and Orientation. ESL execution takes place both within the core classroom and in small groups. 

 One of the key aspects of the St. Laurent Academy Private School education program is environmental science. The Private School is devoted to engaging students in finding solutions to various environmental concerns. Thus, it offers a great deal of science-based credits. The Macoun Marsh Outdoor Classroom serves as the key place where the pragmatic approach is realized through project-based learning.

 In addition to the regular program, St. Laurent Academy Private School is committed to involving its students in physical activity as a part of their daily routine. The program is taught by a Phys-Ed Specialist four days per week and is held either in the Private School’s gymnasium or outdoors on the school’s soccer field. What is more, students may take field trips throughout the year.

 Finally, the St. Laurent Academy Private High School Program operates the aforementioned French Program from elementary to secondary school. For each student, an individual program is offered and consists of different approaches and streams of learning. International students may take St. Laurent Academy Private School’s open program for new learners in case it is the first time they are being introduced to the French language. An Academic-level program can be an option for learners who meet the minimum of 600 hours of French study before Grade 9. At the same time, if a student has met the minimum of 1260 hours of French classes, then they can participate in the Extended French Program. Also, French can be replaced by an equivalent language credit of the student’s choice.

 Environmental science equally has a part in the High School Program. 

 The Athletics program is enriched by The Healthy Active Living courses (PPL1O, PPL2O, PPL3O, PPL4O) and The Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership course (PLF4M) which enable students to live active lives, know to make healthy choices, and discover the benefits of active leisure.

St. Laurent Academy Private School
St. Laurent Academy Private School


 St. Laurent Academy Private School’s Main Campus occupies a place with Manor Park, Beacon Hill, Rothwell Heights, Cardinal Heights, and Montfort neighborhoods. Its major facilities include a full-sized gym with change rooms, computer lab outfitter with macOS computers, science lab, music room, art studio, teaching kitchen, outdoor classroom at the Macoun Marsh, TVs and Smartboards in each classroom, dance studio, and private resource classrooms.

 Online Education

 Outside of the outdoor and indoor programs offered by the St. Laurent Academy Private School, education can also be organized online through a virtual classroom. Core elementary courses as well as high school courses can be studied via different means of online learning.


 Ottawa hosts the St. Laurent Academy Private School, which is located near Rideau River. Overall, the surroundings of the school make up a rather naturalistic environment. The capital city of Canada is filled with parks, thus making the wilderness easily accessible. Ottawa, a city with a population of 1,017,449, according to the 2021 census, making it the fourth-largest city in Canada offers a myriad of opportunities to rent an apartment or a house for international students and families in need to attend educational institutions. An average one-bedroom apartment in Ottawa will be about CAD 1300-2000, while a two-bedroom flat prices range from CAD 1500-2600. Therefore, the best choice would be to rent a place with a colleague, or friend or enter a shared apartment deal. 

 Future prospects 

 At St. Laurent Academy Private School each level of education is devised to bridge the next one. Academics with global citizenship are welcomed here to receive a balanced education. After completing the Program of St. Laurent Academy Private School students can continue their education and apply to a higher educational establishment across Canada. Once a former graduate of St. Laurent Academy completes their post-secondary full-time program, it is feasible for them to apply for a post-graduation work permit and find a job in Canada for a three-year period. An Express Entry consequently can be obtained, put it another way, the status of a permanent residency in Canada. Afterward, a permanent resident may apply for Canadian Citizenship if they meet the corresponding requirements and pass the citizenship test. St. Laurent Academy Private School can become the first step to a flourishing career and life in Canada. 


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